ALL connected capable adult (excluding the disabled & kid's-children) whole NECLEUS species-humanity have past historically-2 date SELF sickened, ugh else fill in the blank's (done & allowed by & of $ other's ie: those in Power like enforced Pimp's mob mentally while deeming us ALL else of humanity as the enslaved bitches), despite the Holy word's spoken of 3 in 1 - 1 in 3 Holy Trinity: "THEY-U-WE ALL know NOT comprehensibly what THEY-U-WE ALL have done (& sadly, misc STILL with every tick tock 'Time' (flies) daily (day & night) moment that goes by = OH worse is Coming, MAKE NO MISTAKE & DON'T think 4 a moment U-ANY truly know retributionary Holy disciplinary valid pain-horror-nightmare, sigh huh, OH NO U DON'T but it's Coming! Sigh what a waste & FAILED idea!