How dare U capable adult's USA-globally (excluding the disabled & children) have the audacity-never & think U got the tick tock 'Time' (flies) daily (day & night) moment that goes by, LUXURY 2 do NOTHING & past historically-2 date via humanly known & MORE SO Holy incomprehensible ie: 'cause & effect' repercussion's (unintended consequence's occurring after an event's action's, misc) & even 'recoil' (shrink, flinch, wince, blench, quail mean 2 draw back in fear or distaste. a start or movement away thru shock, fear, careLESSness-senseless, disgust & even cowardice & as 2 try & dust off like piece of lint on coat shoulder or arm); sigh truly this ALL connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity is a Behavioral Analysis profiled exhibited past-2 date FAILED idea & WASTE!