Nevertheless U USA (who R capable but instead SELF choose 2 B literally Behavioral Analysis profiled exhibited past-2 date worthless, delusional, naive, feeble minded, human drone like & cowardice of a ALL connected adult USA-global whole, FAILED idea, etc, NECLEUS species-humanity) adults (excluding the truly disabled & children), U so called '(WE?) THE PEOPLE' - "MORE OF' (us?) than THEM (fill in the blank's, name THEM, USA-globally, TOP-down) U ALL CLAIM their suppose 2 work 4 us, U got NO-ZERO (internally within U) capacity 2 literally Christian Caliphate-Jihadism, wrath of Achilles Warrior allegiance 2 & 4 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM like THAT of Heaven's Warrior Angel's!