Sigh huh, SO like with lack of housecleaning & NOT maintained despite God embedding MUCH in each of us capable adults including the God given Power & Authority 2 SELF deny Warrior allegiantly represent HIM via literal CEASING the human weeds of garden ie: NO courts-NO investigations-NO prisons-NO verbal words spoken, JUST DONE = why YEA worse still more is Coming. Example: God SET THE EXAMPLE of what & how 2 literally handle (CEASING) LGBTQiA, means DON'T let-allow them 2 literally exist via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 & THAT of Genesis 6 ie: Devil & the fallen B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven BROUGHT MUCH opposite 2 & of God, un2 us ALL as we were created & past suppose 2 been God's defining pride & joy = WE FAIL HIM! U ALL got Holy Trinity figured wrong & NO got HIM 'pegged'!