BUT with God embedding MUCH in each of us capable adults including the God given Power & Authority 2 SELF deny Warrior allegiantly represent HIM via literal CEASING the human weeds of garden ie: NO courts-NO investigations-NO prisons-NO verbal words spoken, JUST DONE, WE R 2 BLAME 4 ALL past-2 date & if had BEEN done & maintained ie: housecleaning, ALL THIS past-2 date literally WOULDN'T B right now currently-presently NOT should it B, understand? YA FEEL ME?! WE CLEAR?! U humanity got MUCH if not EVERYTHING ALL WRONG & 2 date, THIS is repercussions (unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action) of & when a species (like a disobedient individual, misc & DON'T point fingers as ALL capable adults R guilty)!