Despite Behavioral Analysis profiled exhibited past-2 date ALL connected adult cowards USA-global whole, FAILED idea, etc, NECLEUS species-humanity 2 (could) HAVE past historically done thru tick tock 'Time' (flying) momentarily daily (day & night, 24 hours & 7 days a week (swing shifts) 2 date & maintained 'tight' ie: unholy, evil, misc housecleaning via literally vast & variously CEASING however ALL human - NON human on NON human innocent Earth (& Earth itself via say Chemtrails in skies as Earth tries 2 heal & THEY of TOP Power deem 2 Earth, "The heck U will (heal = NOT-NEVER, just DIE ALREADY along with ALL ELSE) & ALL off Earth (we NOT suppose 2 B off Earth & is unholy violations & why Space (itself) is NOT friendly 2 humans)!