& huh, I DON'T wanna hear it from NONE USA-globally that U didn't know ?, what have U, that I can & have past-2 date repeatedly & previously shared & put out of daily "Holy intel advocacy output". & even THEN, with ALL past-2 date bad done- recent, like huh, just NOTHING truly fazes U humanity, just NOTHING truly (internally within) registers 2 U & Behavioral Analysis profiled exhibited past-2 date, like REGARDLESS but like Jesus said, "WE know NOT what ALL WE'VE done" ie: of 2 date's 8 billion plus say 4 example, the number of capable CAN DO Daily & relentlessly Hard core SELF denying, Luke 9:24-Hebrews 11:1-Luke 17:21-22, Warrior allegiance, Christian Caliphate-Jihadism, wrath of Achilles like Heaven's Warrior Angels, we NO have done nor do = why worse is Coming.