Aside from ALL U Sis's-Sister's USA-globally NO matter 1's human skin color race as I NO wanna hear NOT inferior women-female's can't B SELF deny fearless Warrior's 4 Holy Trinity = STEP UP, as I'm MORE inclined 2 side with memory of say, fellow human Sis-Sister just another Daughter of Adam-Eve I thought of, Charra (Matrix); BUT like it's been said, 1's never truly gone-passed as long as 1 (another) remembers them, RIP Charra, & 2 many vast other's, past-2 date & STILL yet 2 come, like her WHO ELSE of say fellow U R willing 2 SELF deny give their life 4 say, Holy Trinity & THAT of fellow humanity in (trying 2) defeat enemy (s)?! Like late Kyle Reese, misc else, I too however got NO army amidst however fighting a losing battle amidst this STILL Holy War Devil brought (evil, LGBTQiA, etc) 2 us ALL after B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven = THIS IS 4 VERY REAL, MAKE NO MISTAKE! THIS ALL USA-GLOBALLY LITERALLY ONLY ENDS 1 WAY!