Despite that I COULD & CAN 'check' U ALL connected whole, SELF (past historically-2 tick tock 'Time' 2 date) sickened, diseased, FAILED idea & experiment, NECLEUS species-humanity (itself) & that 4 the actual fact that U ALL got 'it' & EVERYTHING ALL wrong, STILL, this species-humanity CLEARLY cannot B literally reasoned with, NOTHING enough of Holy Trinity's attempts, misc resonates with ANY of U adults USA-globally despite the so called 'MORE of' (us capable adults?) excluding the truly disabled & Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: kids-children-teens, IS no doubt a sick joke ie: 'MORE of' than THEM (fill in the blanks) ie: Klaus Martin Schwab, Gyorgy Schwartz = George Soros, Bill Gates & vast & various Syndicates. THIS ALL LITERALLY ONLY ENDS 1 WAY!