SO BASICALLY, with overall, past historically-2 tick tock 'Time' momentary to date, U-this ALL USA-global connected whole, SELF sickened, diseased, failed idea-experiment, NECLEUS species-humanity is just playing itself, carelessly-senselessly-deliberately-on purpose, ETC else as I've past-repeatedly said-shared, literally DOING Devil's job 4 it, vast & variously despite nevertheless, Holy Trinity's hands R clean of us ALL & ALL individually have got a WHEN IN temporary, NON SELF owned via Luke 9:24, human LIFE assigned archived & documented Heaven Life Record & 'it' will B what eternally MORE SO than not = convicts 1, Jesus just has 2 present the record to 1. Sigh, whew, damn, what a waste, failed idea, SUPPOSE 2 been 1 thing & instead has been STILL 2 date ugh else