I wanna literally WITNESS, ALL CAPABLE, excluding the truly disabled, (fellow human & lose weight if U have 2-DO no try, whatever U gotta 2), USA-global, Sis's-Sister's (young to older), NO matter 1's dust & ash human flesh color skin race NOR where 1's from, REAL females-women NON voluntarily-NON optionally (& NO EXCUSES-NO RATIONALIZATIONS) LEARN & TEACH = Behavioral Analysis id profiling , Martial arts-SELF defense ie: Jason Bourne & Natalia Alianovna Natasha Romanoff, watch your OWN back ie: eyes-ears ALL around U & like late John Reginald Neville ie: TRUST NO 1 & Ck out mantisx DOT com (practice YO firearms skills wherever including in YO own home or apt) & hero DOT us DOT com (non lethal weapons that U don't have to have a carrying permit for), WE CLEAR?!