Sigh huh, U humanity THINK U know what THIS is? Uh, NO! U DON'T! CLEARLY via ALL YO (you're) past history-tick tock 'Time' 2 date currently-presently Behavioral Analysis profilingly GONE ROGUE (from Holy Trinity) exhibited EVERYTHING! & let me make it & B CLEAR = ANGEL'S, DON'T answer NOR communicate with, in ANY fashion, humanity (itself)! They R solely alone as such allegiant 2 ONLY Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & 3 in 1 - 1 in 3 Holy Trinity! As God's word said, DON'T lean on YO own understanding, instead SELF deny & B a temporary human dust & ash corpse VESSEL in service 2 HIM-like however THAT of Heaven's Warrior Angel's aside from Jesus: MORE will B in Hell than Heaven!