&-but MORE SO if even 4 following thru with having my carried out duties-tasks via my God given gifts-talents, misc internally within ME & R archived & documented upon my WHEN - IN temporary NON SELF owned human LIFE assigned archived & documented Heaven Life Record sake - as 'it' (my record) will B the sole rewarder (welcomed in2 Heaven) or convictor (sent 2 Hell) of my Soul, Holy retributionary Eyes of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God just has 2 present (in line with HIM solely having HIS Father's back alone) it 2 1 (any & all individually) after YO (you're) last breath ie: death. NO hope-peace via Adam-Eve sealed ALL our fate in microsecond as Jesus NEVER suppose 2 have had come 4th NOR God do anything-nothing more than REST on 7th day BUT U ALL changed ALL 4 worse = Coming.