If THIS-U ALL connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity (via Adam & Eve) would have HOWEVER originally stuck 2 ie: maintained housecleaning, misc vis SUPPOSE 2 had been SELF denied care takers of EACH OTHER & non human innocent Earth, NOTHING off, THAT (however) very well would have been the aspect (?, particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded) that would have literally (unbenounced 2 me) put Lucifer-Satan-The Beast-Devil & the fallen else 2 Holy shame as we were created in LESS than day 2 had been-SUPPOSE 2 B God's defining 'pride & joy' &-but instead has-have given Devil an endless-timeless humor show 2 laugh it up at us humanity & spite God with: "LOOK AT THEM ALL, U'ER SO-CALLED PRIDE-JOY, THEY SUPPOSE 2 REPRESENT U?!" Worse Coming!