Thus-therefore humanity even un2 to date daily tick tock 'Time' just further unholy attacks against God-Holy Trinity & as such walking (life paths) & unholy violations with just NO care nor regard 4 literally NOTHING?! Then huh, FINE, however like Jesus in HIS own way separating me from U humanity = a foreigner in a strange land 4 a temporary time 2 do my given daily job-Orders of Holy intel advocacy output as ALL-each-individually GOT a WHEN IN temporary NON SELF owned via Luke 9:24 human LIFE assigned archived & document Heaven Life Record = IT WILL CONVICT, Jesus just has 2 present it 2 U immediately after YO last breath ie: death as HE said, "MORE will literally B in eternal Hell than Heaven", huh YEAH, good, so B it! 4EVER HAIL JESUS!