Sigh, say, 4 (SOME?) mere example, regarding, (MAY B?), old TV show, Roswell, The Departure (air date: May 21, 2001), the verbal exchange between Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Tess Harding (Emilie de Ravin) in the cave about the revealing secret of-with what was planned 2 go down the moment if, ALL 4 - Max, Michael, Isabel & Tess had returned back 2 their planet & then turned over 2 the enemy thereof, likewise on a separate truth note, it's far more worse than ANY of humanity REALLY realizes, with ALL past history-2 date, this Holy War brought 2 us all by-via Devil & the fallen ie: Holy Bible's Genesis 6, humanity genocide CEASING by 2025 & THAT of Book of Revelations ie: Coming 4 Holy Horsemen 2 CEASE us ALL - Holy order by God, MAKE NO MISTAKE = WE R a FAILED species!