& huh, respectfully, 2 & 4 those of U 'out there' ie: fellow human USA-global REAL born as female gender as I'm straight-hetrosexual, but fellow Sis's-Sister's of ANY temporary human flesh skin colored race NOR wherever U R from USA-globally, Daughter's of late past Adam & Eve, that AREN'T however via Behavioral Analysis profiled exhibited past-2 date 2 bright (smart) or not the sharpest TOOL in the shed as they say (an ole verbal saying), when I say I'M celibate or have SELF chosen celibacy, THAT means CLEARLY (should B) that my daily (momentary tick tock 'Time') focus, misc is on solely alone Holy retributionary Eyes of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God, Holy Trinity WITHOUT EVER-NEVER QUESTIONING HIM do or die trying; I NO dwell (fix attention on) Heaven-(Tomorrow?) & as I only care about HIM!