CHANGE was NEVER intended 2 B of solely, misc (?), so called B/S NOISE 'politics'; sigh huh U ALL so called 'MORE of' 8 billion plus capable civilian USA-global adults (excluding the truly disabled & Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kids-children-teens) R, understatedly SUPPOSE 2 B using (4 USA - the 2nd Amendment 4 sole why it was created 4 by the last Founding Fathers of USA). & overall MORE SO 4 ALL USA-globally, THAT of God given Power-Authority (U all seem 2 have past-2 date allowed 2 go & remain dormant = just sitting internally within each of U individually non or unused) 2 literally CEASE immediately onsite THAT of TOP-down, USA-global (human) weeds amidst a garden being dying non human innocent Earth, WE CLEAR?!