Sigh huh like there's just NO trying to reason with U humanity, as if just NOTHING truly registers enough, huh R U kidding me? And somehow U ALL seem 2 think Jesus-Holy Trinity is okay with ALL exhibited? Uh, NO, THINK AGAIN! Sigh, humanity wants 2 SELF choose cluelessly-carelessly 2 piss off & anger Jesus who God mandated we ALL R 2 answer solely 2 as Jesus is God's chosen mediator between us humanity & God, GET it?! Huh I mean, 2 date, & just senseless blood shed, homeless dying, allowed 3rd world exhibitions here in USA despite $ HAVES fools out there rant on about & with, USA is a country of $ wealth, YEAH 4 themselves as if via the courts, legal system & $ hired killer contractors, all (?) just exhibit a Russian roulette un2 some worse Coming timeline agenda?!