& HUH may-might I add that it's NOT $ money that makes a HUMAN but solely behavioral God-Jesus-Holy Bible appeasing SELF deny CHARACTER whether single-celibate (me NO shacking up NOR human breeding), tired, frail, straight-hetrosexual, alpha male or beta female of ANY race! & MORE SO HUD's federal housing agency via the local housing authorities, a 3 strike policy that deems after the 3rd bad wrong violation of a slumlord, they R then placed on a automatic, (?) misc ban-BLACKLIST list amidst the overall USA real estate industry (itself), aside from long $ corrupt history of the local code (so called SUPPOSE 2 B enforcement) agencies ie: LAHD-housing dept, LADBS-Bldg & safety & LAEH-environmental health 2 NOT side with slumlords against decent tenants reporting violations against slumlords, GET it?! Understand?