& mind U (ANY 1 USA-globally), SELF preservation &/or say abortion (literal, careless-senseless MURDER) of Jesus's potential Little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kid's-children-teen's, which nevertheless as such if they should die young = automatic entry in2 Heaven, more less generally saying-speaking & is (via above - CEASING them) a unholy violation via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24; KNOW IT! But SELF CEASING-checking out is automatic entry in2 Hell! It means that NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT YO temporary tick tock 'Time' momentary human breath coming in & out of YO mouth NOR that dust & ash corpse & more so over, THAT eternal Soul temporarily powering YO dust & ash corpse like a AAA battery, WE CLEAR?! & SIGH via Holy Trinity's Counsel I KNOW ie: future past tense THIS ALL LITERALLY ENDS ONLY 1 WAY SOONER OR LATER! tick tock 'Time' despite THEM of Power past-2 date been & R doing in secret = worse is Coming!