This ALL connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity created in LESS than day was so 4 solely alone-only 1 reason-purpose, 2 parts = SELF deny care take of each other & non human innocent Earth, NOTHING off Earth, NOT treat Earth like some 2 bid whore, NOR further as has been past done: trashing up planet Mercury-Saturn & almost NUKED Moon via past DOD project, web search it as I got it archived, nevertheless & regardless with fellow human Bro-Brother, just another Son of Adam & Eve, Keanu Charles Reeves said it: if Earth dies, WE ALL DIE as with & via our sole reason-purpose 4 B-ing created (in LESS than day) & as such WOULD have put Devil 2 Hole shame BUT NO, instead has & is giving Devil endless humor show it's NEVER deserved, we will eternally REAP what we've sowed!