Sigh, huh, let me B perfectly CLEAR & on the REAL via Holy Trinity's intel ie: Holy Bible: LGBTQiA, evil, etc else exists solely alone originally because Devil-the fallen via Holy Bible's Genesis 6 literally BROUGHT & introduced-injected in2 & amidst us ALL connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity, THUS-therefore LGBTQiA & all else R & ISN'T suppose 2 literally exist but understatedly why with ALL Behavioral Analysis profiled exhibited 2 date = WE R GONE ROGUE from Holy Trinity & HIS hands R-is literally (eternally) of us ALL, GET it?! Understand? Sigh huh this has ALWAYS BEEN Holy War Devil started against God = 1st in Heaven & THEN after B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven, 'BROUGHT IT' 2 ALL OUR doorstep (s) & with it, evil, LGBTQiA, etc!