& huh, say, despite, (?), misc USA's founding fathers gave 4th width the (USA's Founding Father's deemed gun's, misc weapon's protection) 2nd Amendment, majority STILL after 2 centuries AIN'T used 'it' 4 solely what & why 'it' was given PLUS aside from MORE SO Yahweh Jehovah Father God gave the literal Power-Authority 2 literally CEASE immediately onsite the Behavioral Analysis profiled, exhibited (weeds amidst a garden as mentioned in Holy Bible) aside from true Warrior past historically B4 us & endless fellow HUMAN & that of non human INNOCENT blood shed has been spilled 2 cover over dying non human innocent Earth vast times over 2 date (day & night) tick tock 'Time' daily, USA-globally, huh, U ALL PONDER THAT! Sigh huh, THIS ALL USA-GLOBALLY LITERALLY ENDS ONLY 1 WAY!