& I guess I GOTTA say if even 'FUTURE PAST TENSE' via Holy Trinity, it's not just USA's civilian population but other's globally including Mexico, 2 them ALL, STOP B-ing YO TOP Power's bitches-whores-slaves & SERIOUSLY CHECK THEM = SELF denyingly 4 Holy Trinity's eternal glory, NOT yours individually, WE CLEAR?! ugh, geez. & YEA, I'm old school, I ain't NO youngster, having witnessed MUCH 2 last 10 lifetimes via Holy Trinity's Counsel tid-bid (alittle HE chooses, NOT 1 SELF, GET YO head-heart-eternal Soul CLEAR)! U ALL chosen of broken off of humanity itself despite un2 my NON SELF owned eternal Soul while temporarily amidst human dust-ash corpse 2 do my Holy advocacy job, VAST 'below' me & seen-heard it ALL.