(if it helps) - & 2 ANY 1 out there USA-globally, if this helps & if U-1 ain't in a dire emergency situation conflict with another & CAN, sigh, take a breather-walk-stroll, remember Jesus's-Holy Trinity's-Holy Bible's Counsel (hopefully if U-1 is ideally Christian straight-hetrosexual, alpha male or beta female NO matter 1's human skin race USA-globally) & SELF try & NOT 2 Behavioral Analysis profile 'stoop' 2 (do similar) as another problematic human fool out there, all I can share TAKE Holy Counsel from Jesus, not me via U & HIM daily alone 4 a Time in a room alone & door closed & on YO knee's as each human EVER has 2 have a-that personal relationship with HIM as HE loves U & knows U better than U know YO SELF iight, as U were, take care & B well, God bless in Jesus-stay safe out there smile.