& 2date's (say ie:11/2023) Marcia Louise Fudge 18th leader of USA's HUD federal housing agency; what she gonna do that the previous 17 AIN'T done (NOTHING as past-2 date)? I mean 4 REALS & even THEN the local housing authorities AIN'T good either via letting ANY (slumlords) in 2 get HUD's $? ALL messed up ie: cooking the book's, corrupt accounting ledger (s), misc else despite needing periodical auditing, misc! Cuz local housing authorities NO done-do detailed background check & have setup system 4 allowing (slum)-lords in2 Section 8 $ access like if ANY bad on record then they NOT allowed & if like 3 strikes = banned 4 life from doing related housing business BUT nothing is done right!