Humanity could & should have SELF denyingly chosen to Holy Warrior rise up & represent solely Holy Trinity - as to why we were created & thought up in the first with WITH all we'd ever need ie: gift's, talent's, skill's & free will = WE STILL R FAILED idea &-as worse Coming! With ALL human adult wolves in sheep's clothing out there USA-globally amidst majority of 8 billion plus = TRUST NO 1 - John Neville. Cuz ALL I see-witness despite feeling like I've see much 2 last 10 life time's, is thereof out there, a NECLEUS human species 2date like a SELF (& of Earth & all else) sickened-diseased dust & ash corpse animal screaming 2 B put outta it's damn misery, huh OH WORSE MORE is Coming, cuz it's WHAT ALL U ALLOW, YEA, ugh, like utter stuck on stupid just no fazes none, WHEW, HUH damn this species HAS TA GO & it's deemed = Coming! So B it!