SO as like with THEM: Warrior Angels Coming 4 Holy Horsemen in resting stasis 4 a Time yet 2 B awaken 2 fulfill THEIR Holy Terminator like Orders from Holy Trinity of CEASING us ALL, I SELF deny choosingly (from a distance from THEM) stand solely alone 4 Holy Trinity against U ALL! & with me-my = SELF deny choosingly (from a distance from THEM) stand solely alone 4 Holy Trinity against U ALL & B-ing past since touched with job: Holy advocacy intel-info output), I stand 4 HIM, no matter (me?) ALREADY (dead?) just no know it. BUT there IS a difference between B-ing a lone wolf (loose cannon-just popping off like firecracker, +) & B-ing Holy Counseled 2 suppress such (above) like God's exhibited patience & temporary held back wrath like (calm?) Warrior Angels, huh humanity WILL HOLY REAP it in due Time ie: sand in a hourglass within God HIMSELF.