04.08.24 The Last Beer? : Ecliptic Brewing Pyxis Pilsner 4.5/5*

*minds not fakebook, mea culpaRunning 5.5 for the ABV, 35 for the IBUs and a cloudy 6 for the SRM.Not a bad brew, malty and bitter isn't everyone's cuppa but she is serviceable and quaffable.Thanks for coming by and sharing a cold one with us.Big 3 brothers and sistersSkal!EI have no connection to any of these companies. All opinions are our own.https://www.bitchute.com/channel/beerandgear https://www.brighteon.com/channel/huhwhtfkr https://www.minds.com/huhwhtfkr/ https://www.gab.com/huhwhtfkr https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/BeerAndGear https://loop.joshwho.net/groups/5092015 https://parler.com/BeerandGear/ https://twitter.com/BeerandGear1 https://rumble.com/register/beerandgear/
