Like Shrek telling Donkey of: 'lacking the capacity'; YEA, SAME 4 U-this Behavioral Analysis profiled, exhibited past-2 date ALL connected adult USA-global, whole NECLEUS species-humanity lacking MUCH though God gave ALL needed 2 appease HIM = WE R FAILED idea & worse is Coming! & ANY 1 USA-globally that side with supporting Vatican, misc else (fill in blank's) R in fact B4 Holy Trinity-Heaven just as bad-evil-unholy-immoral-pagan-heathen, misc as THEM (fill in blank's), 2 eternal Hell with ALL YA & it's Coming, so B it! Via God given Power-Authority 2 literally CEASE & force NON voluntary-NON optional 1 humanity 2-4 Holy Trinity despite, misc ALL U humanity's ugh SELF gripped on 2 internally within stuck on stupid like a bad (NON-SELF) security blanket = worse Coming.