I may not have USA-global NON voluntary-NON optional capable adult army under MY-Holy Trinity command = NO WORDS-courts-prisons vs worse Coming 4 Holy Horsemen, God's patience wearing thin & temp held back wrath ie: sand in temp hourglass, I'd B RELEASE it & B DONE no matter me! & Vatican-etc else USA-globally should've-could've past tense since historically-2 date right now currently-presently been DONE like S & G via Holy Bible's Genesis 19! With Yahweh Jehovah Father God patience wearing thin & temp held back wrath ie: sand in temp hourglass, U NECLEUS species-humanity OUGHT 2 B thankful, misc & NOT-DON'T piss HIM off, HAIL JESUS! Huh, perhaps this-U majority 8 billion + adult NECLEUS species-humanity SERIOUSLY NEED 2 B forcibly SO 'F'-ing scared internally within ie: (?) turn Holy cartoon White-White Holy streak down back unlike Devil, 2 'SELF' force U 2 Warrior rise 4 Holy Trinity, 2 'GET' it, WE CLEAR?! & WHAT? U humanity gonna carelessly, misc piss off God? I WOULDN'T! I stand alone AWAY from U humanity solely alone 4 HIM!