I individually-literally-personally SEE-hear via Holy Trinity's Counsel, YO (USA-global humanity) own individual God given eye's-ear's with literally behavioral analysis profiling U 2 date's majority 8 billion + USA-global NECLEUS species-humanity & just HOW ugh sick-twisted, + vast-various U truly R, U think I'm trying 2 bring attention 2 me? NO, Holy Trinity & THAT of THOSE of TOP = R gonna CEASE us ALL! & I'm NOT weaponizing Christianity's Holy Bible, it's just U ALL that scream YO denial internally gripping on2 YO internally within bad security blanket as 2 excuse U from doing like Achilles! & YEA I GET it = why humanity itself exist-created in LESS than day ie: Devil's Holy War against God & what Devil couldn't do, humanity's BEEN-STILL worse DOING = THIS IS 4 VERY REAL, MAKE NO MISTAKE! THIS ALL USA-GLOBALLY LITERALLY ONLY ENDS 1 WAY & in END is ONLY Holy Trinity! & ALL YAW in-denial internal within bad security gripping on2 will B YO eternal downfall immediately after YO last breath in2 eternal Hell!