With NO TRUST-NO CONFIDENCE with-of humanity itself having internally within via Holy Trinity's Counsel of-with feeling like I've witnessed MUCH 2 last 10 lifetime's, thus with majority 8 billion plus USA-globally, capable hard core Christian adult REAL born as straight-hetrosexual alpha males & beta females (NO matter 1's skin color race, under 200 lb's (or U R on desk duty, ticket meter cop, misc duties) or better B healthy wise) of a army under MY-Holy Trinity command, I'd have ZERO tolerance NOR patience 4 NOTHING less than SELF deny, NON voluntarily-NON optionally TAUGHT-LEARNED: Behavioral Analysis id profiling skills, Martial arts-SELF defense = Jason Bourne & Natalia Alianovna Natasha Romanoff, + else or R CEASED, WE CLEAR?!