Sigh huh as with say, it is a FINE line 2 walk & Jesus NEVER said 'it' (human life) would B easy & I know & can attest 2 fact that (me) NOT B-ing no better than any that I've NOT walked (above) fine line very well, sigh ME just saying. BUT I just also wanted 2 note (share) that I know (acknowledge) that with me however SELF deny Warrior Holy intel info sharing daily though me limited-got NO army & there's 2 much opposition out there, that-with say, 2 those individual's out there USA-globally 'in mourning' of another's passing ie: death, I SELF know internally 2 button my lips ie: meaning 2 softly if thereof convey my deepest condolence's & SELF deny humbly allow (?) out there 2 mourn while say know when & where 2 direct MY daily (above) aside from (?), 'gotta pick YO battle's' ole saying? Ugh sigh, whatever, anyway, I'm just saying generally-noting-sharing.