ALL human-NON human-on (dying) non human innocent Earth-off Earth 'out there'-above (& BELOW ground ie: life & miles deep down military bases) - Coming = IT'S ALL JUST GONE, despite God wouldn't even have 2 exhale & ALL OUT quicker than a candle, GET it?! NOTHING is safe-normal! & U ALL TALK about COMMUNITY, B/S! MORE like ever growingly EVERY 1 literally out for their SELF own-cover 1's own ass & unholy violation of Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 of SELF preservation versus SELF deny like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's! The Holy Counsel words of Holy Trinity R soft & like a whisper & if ANY R not attuned (receptive or aware), misc 2 HIM, then majority of adult 'MORE of' USA - global humanity, TOP-down (then THEM) R MORE deaf, blind & STUPID despite history ie: 70 centuries - 2 date.