At least in-of USA, 4 U 2 coward, (+) 2 Deep State's FBi-CiA-NSA, (+) = LOSER'S & R (carelessly ie: THEM) ALREADY dead (in Time), humanity B-ing a ugh (opposite & GONE ROGUE from Holy Trinity) cesspool in-of (itself) past-2 date & humor show 4 Devil! THIS ALL ENDS ONLY 1 WAY! & DON'T fret-worry-fear what fellow humanity CAN do 2 U, B so of Holy Trinity B4 YO death if U don't SELF deny Warrior up 4 Holy Trinity! Ponder: like verbal said: oh how the truth is a bitch ie: hard pill 2 swallow, though thinking a mirror will appease U, own individual SELF convicting eternal mirror of all mirrors = WHEN IN temporary human LIFE assigned Heaven Life Record immediately after last breath-death!