It's a complementary (way as 2 enhance-emphasize the qualities of something) non human prop-tool 2 help ease life's hardships WHEN used properly, misc & budgetingly via 2 SELF denyingly bring honor, misc 2 Holy Trinity, NOT SELF! & 2 live (?), comfortably shouldn't-no-don't mean 'living large' as they say, NO! Find (?, peace, joy, misc) in Jesus, NOT in (?), external fill in blank's. 1 only needs minimal 2 live comfortably, more less. Sigh it'd B nice 2 me if I could residentially live Hollywood Hills, California-90068 as I know know 2 take care of something & maintained 'tight' low maintenance, I NO leave my unfurnished, Precleaned-Pre-pest control treated, 417 sq ft apt in LA, California 90068 near Lake Hollywood except 4 needed weekly, local things while daily doing my given Holy delivery boy job-Orders put out Holy intel via Holy Trinity.