Sigh, LET ME BE CLEAR, THIS ALL (?, despite 70 centuries - (year, this Day in Age) A.D. 2date & '?' yet to come of FAILED adult's USA - globally) ie: exhibited GONE ROGUE & etc of Holy Trinity = ENDS ONLY ONE WAY, & let me give a hypothesis (supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of 70 centuries - (year, this Day in Age) A.D. 2date evidence as a point for just how this ALL ENDS ONLY ONE WAY) - THOSE of TOP USA - global Power (vast & various ie: fill in the blank's) keep on say, continue playing with fellow humanity's lives, dying Earth & all OFF Earth before Coming annihilation like global bloodbath massacre extermination by 2025 of majority of USA - global humanity, THEN of THOSE amidst THEIR own TOP USA - global Power (vast & various ie: fill in the blank's) as if "There can be only one", for which THEN, WHAT - there after as some point? "There is only One, there will be NONE" = out of boredom, loneliness, misc the sole alone remaining One SELF checks out ie: commits eternal suicide via their own individual WHEN IN temporary human LIFE - assigned Heaven Life Record, all the while Devil having been given an endless laughing it up humor show of & at humanity - endlessly spites God with: "LOOK AT THEM ALL, YOUR SO-CALLED PRIDE & JOY, THEIR SUPPOSE TO REPRESENT YOU?!"