Additional Personal Spiritual Theology; SEE how USA is in jerUSAlem. STOP and THINK SERIOUSLY! – BE amidst 'UNDERSTATED', IMPERITIVE, COMTEMPLATION! B.I.B.L.E. = ‘B.asic I.nstruction’s B.efore L.eaving E.arth’; but you = humanity no hear no, YES, Adam and Eve, can never comprehend = (understatement), what (they – both) set in motion. Perhaps Eve wouldn’t have been the first to sin, IF, Adam would have first / prior / beforehand, remembered AND told / relayed unto Eve, WHAT Father God told him – (Adam) to tell Eve – (re: not touching the tree of life). But no, guess that just slipped Adam’s mind, thus, both Adam and Eve are to blame. Adam no listening (=) Man first to sin, never the less, Eve committed the actual act.