Huh cuz with D.A.'s (local district attorney's) out there thru out say USA talking about & deeming if 1-some other individually physically attacks U, U can't (by THEIR law's in THEIR own head & whether on the book's or not) do NOTHING 2 defend YO self but self deem verbally 2 YO attacker, 'Thank U can-may I have another'; huh OH HELL NO, SEE these fool's across the board just edging 4 having a eventual Coming worse than past historically anywhere locally USA-global literal Russian roulette bullet's flying every which way & bodies dropping face down in2 ie: the mud or street pavement, fists or hand held weapons swinging every which way, huh it NEVER had NOR suppose 2 B like this ANYWHERE USA-globally BUT sigh, God bless in Jesus adult & child innocent USA-globally & stay safe out there.