& WHAT of Christian nationalism, is that 'nationalism' is 2 care about 1's own country they live it, B it USA-America, & with them of Founding Father's deeming OUR Creator = Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & eternal Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity, so YEAH, ALL comes from HIM, as there's NO literally NOTHING without HIM as HE NO had 2 literally create NOTHING ie: NO non human innocent 5 day created Earth NOR U 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself BUT via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations: 2 HUMAN LIFE TEST periods & 2 judgment days B4 ANY 1 of a volume-mass R finally let-allowed in2 eternal, Holy, Timeless Heaven & VAST NO succeed 1st judgment day!