Leave the visual exhibited landscape thereof – anywhere of that of Kyle Reese (then)? So much. And again, I can’t heed enough of His word’s: “They know not what they do” – many level’s, many layer’s. And for another thing – the (no word’s) enough ill continuation of ‘The Root of all Evil’ usage of money, for which it was created, misc and is solely allowed to be used as a tool for good, accomplish a many of thing’s; but the ageless human abuse, waste, of it. Pick any situation (politics, celebrities buying home’s, One percenter's, any human amidst daily life, meanwhile any – of HIS word’s, whether from ‘HIS Word’, human talk about budgeting, need for making smart spending decision’s, what have you. Sigh. Capitalism, as been like with anything taken out of context and / or misc. Just . . . (no word’s) enough, in the word’s of another Brother: “God didn’t do this, WE did THIS” ie: over 70 centuries!