Sigh . . . you limit HE whom you have ill continued to have exhibitedly gone astray from ie: FW usage (either ifw or pfw = ill free will usage or proper free will usage), but hey, each breath mist energy human has a Heaven (Earth) life record = will One's record 'convict' (unto L of F') or permit allowance by JC unto Him and that of Heaven? That it’s just common place to have any number of human’s jumping out of tall building’s, misc; what in fact they – those individual’s, all they know was that they each were just going to work, another day at the office, but unbenouced to them, in a matter of hour’s, misc – so called reality like they’ve never known would hit them; Example: (ie: take your right hand, with your head face to your left and with moving your right hand toward your face – unbenouced to your head BUT turn your head toward your right hand = bam, your right hand hits ya smack on your face);