And to try and take one day at a time, moment to moment, as tomorrow is not promised unto no one, though like our fellow brother and sister’s – son’s and daughter’s of Adam / Eve 20 centuries ago, whom if even similarly, coming unto a sense of awareness, misc exhibited what they have 20 centuries ago. Regardless of the circumstance’s and / or consequence’s, even death of Oneself, being per JC’s crew, stoning of Saint Stephen, the 1st king of Hungary, even the beheading of our brother Saint John (onto a silver round platter), sigh. It is not death that should be feared, nor these human Lucifer court jester’s in human power, whom wouldn’t know power if it stared them in the face – and I wouldn’t, no doubt be surprised if invisible power from Heaven has stared them straight in the face, but they would never know it. Sigh.