& feel free 2 web bookmark (via create named-name the file - Word document's of need 2 remember go 2 webpage's & website's) 2 share with USA-global others as it's ALL Holy Trinity's, NOT mine & archive-document ALL I posted-shared whether text wordage post's, music video's, etc via use of copy & paste pc shortcut keys ie: Ctr and C & Ctr and P (learn what ALL pc shortcut keys R on web) & save-archive-document ALL I've posted-shared in2 a saved Word document THEN name the file & even move-drag file (s) in2 a created named folder & have either on YO desktop or in a sub-folder directory in My Documents & 2 find 1, use pc keys: Ctr and F keys & use daily end day pc cleaners ie: Wise Registry & CCleaner as well as periodical use of pc-computer system file checker (4 checking & scanning 2 see if ANY file's, etc have been corrupted on YO pc-computer via the usage of via Black window Command Prompt ie: System file Checker > per / via either Command Prompt (black background window) window or using 'Powershell' (blue background window) - type in sfc /scannow & await result's, though other minimal work can be done while the scan is being done. & remember 2 create Create restore point of YO pc-computer via go 2 YO pc-computer's Control Panel then search 4 Create restore point which will pop up a System Properties little box window & click on Create & just type in a name 2 remember with underscore line under each separated word thereof so if YO pc-computer goes bad U can rely on this option as a backup as well.