I RATHER DIE a homeless, poor, aging, SELF denying, Christian Gentile, single-celibate (me NO shacking up NOR human breeding & via sexual aversion = DENYING 2 get involved in sexual activity, with avoidance of ANY touching or communication that leads 2 sexual involvement), tired, frail, straight-hetrosexual, alpha male old dying-dead man walking & misc else 4 a Time until God calls me home THAN claim ANY so called $ riches, misc upon this dying non human innocent, original 5 day created Earth amidst-amongst U 8,019,876,189 individual human's (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself, sigh huh, so B it & so I shall, do or die trying, we clear?! HAIL JESUS, 4 EVER!