Huh & with ALL the locally USA-global fellow HUMAN aside from misc else life form's on dying non human innocent Earth, of DNA, misc else, what's ANY 1 think THEY (fill in blank's) been past-2date doing above & mile's down below ground via TOP highly secured place's & location's? Uh TRY gonna plan on (AFTER?) Coming literally CEASING majority of locally USA-global fellow majority of 8 billion plus humanity & even may B some amidst THEMSELVES "EH", THEIR gonna SELF deem 2 play God & re-birth a NEW humanity but under more controlled circumstance's as with now currently-presently THEY got vast & various way's, misc 2 CEASE ALL even with Covid small-tiny nano tech in the shot's ie: their preprogrammed 2 eventually 'transform' & literally bust outta human bodies aside from via CEASING of food-water supplies, changing the air & ozone layer's, misc else Coming! & OH U humanity NO-DON'T know true eternal nightmarish pain & horror BURNING ALIVE screaming, huh U WILL, immediately after YO last breath!