& additionally I say along with the USA-global SELF dust & ash human youngest 2 oldest corpse individual disgracing-degrading-unnatural-evil-unholy-immoral-dirty-filthy-disgusting-unclean (as with 'NOTHING unclean can enter Heaven after last breath-death), misc else human animal's "EH" screaming 2 B literally put outta their misery = LGBTQiA adult's USA-globally as well as the $ Porn-Pornography industry (COVER UP as NONE of is proper especially ALLOWED 2 our youth, ALLOWING them ALL USA-global 2 whore it up & think it's cool & the newest ever changing daily tick tock 'Time' "EH" thing) = Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent one's ie: kid's-children-teen's = brainwashed-indoctrination via subliminal this & that of video's, music, misc else on web & vast-various other media format's & source's including the 'Dark Web' & underground USA-globally as well as YO youth's friend's house's U parent's-caretaker's, misc don't know about! & 4 mere 'research' wise, has 1 see the various - vast genre's & categories of (above) industry so I've heard = ever more newest ever changing daily tick tock 'Time' "EH" thought up which only serves 2 further overall (?) bad this-the entire human species straight 2 Hell 4 ALLOWING it ALL!