& just cuz "EH" suicide pact's of Deep State-Global Elite's & etc USA-globally of TOP ordering all BELOW THEM 2 force non voluntary-non optional compliance 2-of falling in line & freely accept, welcome-LIKE-love it 2-with B-ing physically attacked via tell attacker, 'thank U can-may I have another' via local DA attorney's & as well as LGBTQiA 2 do with U as they want (adults-kid's) & etc else evil-unholy-immoral & B AGAINST Holy Trinity-Holy Bible, if U R in-of Jesus then U NO fret death & stand firmly in Jesus & SELF deny Warrior resist THEM ALL, come what worse Coming may-will! Thing is, U majority of humanity NO want this 2 stop or U'd past-2date literally SELF deny Warrior 4 Jesus STOPPED it already so sigh FINE, so B it then, BLAMES YO SELVES! U ALL ALLOW it = so then we ALL REAP it 4 better or worse, "EH"!